Thursday, December 31, 2015

Vegetables Cultivation

Vegetables Cultivation
Agriculture Technology

This article we will be a little explain how to grow vegetables using polybags or using pot. There are many types of vegetables that you can plant in a polybag or by using pots, for example, include mustard, celery, spinach, kale, peppers and many other vegetables. If you want to enjoy the vegetables that we have already mentioned the plant sediri is easy enough. Here are the steps that are easy and simple to plant:

1. The first step is that you need to prepare in advance polybags or pots, you can set the size of the pot or polybags that are not too small.

2. The next step is to prepare the soil media. Land that will be used for this plant should first be mixed with the use of manure.

3. The third step is to set your desired vegetable seeds for planting. You can buy the seeds of this vegetable in the farm shop.

4. Next you can set up a hand spray. These sprays are usually in use for bathing bird.

After four steps above are already prepared then you are able to immediately start to planting. However, there are some plants that can be planted directly in there also can not be directly in the planting and seeding should undertake measures beforehand. If you do not know how to sow crops, you can listen to seeding the following manner:

1. The initial step is to incorporate into the soil media in polybags or pots first.

2. The next step you can sow the seeds of vegetables into a polybag or pot but do not sow the seeds of vegetables too tightly.

3. The next is to sprinkle the seeds with soil or covering it with a thin soil use.

4. The next is to perform condensation by spraying water using seprotan hand.

You can menuggu this seeding process emerged a few days until germination of the seeds that you plant. After kecamabah it appears cambah then you can move it into a polybag or in pots.

Here's how to grow vegetables using polybags or by using pots that may help you.

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