Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Apple Cultivation

Apple Cultivation
Agriculture Technology

Apple is a fruit crop which is very widely grown in the highlands that have cool air. This tree has a sturdy stems and leaves dense of a long stem. Apples are known to have many kinds, ranging from green apple, red apple, apple poor, etc. In addition as the consumption of fruit, the apple is also the raw material of snacks such as chips, dodol, cookies, and soft drinks. Even if processed by the fermentation of apple cider vinegar can be made useful as a medicinal herb. So many benefits of apples signifies that the fruit of this one can be used as an alternative to a business that you can run. Before deciding to cultivation, you have to do is:


Seeding dapaet done in three ways: (1) Seedlings / siwilan, by separating plant saplings of basic plant taken bersaa parent tree roots. Tillers characterized by having a height of 30 cm, diameter 0.5 cm, and brown bark. (2) Rundukan, done by a long tiller attached recline soil, then the soil and carrying heavy objects so as not lifted until it comes out and then cut and plant roots. (3) Cuttings, by cutting the apple stem good with a length of 15-20 cm and then plant it on land.

Maintenance Seed

Do watering the seeds that have been sown with care on a regular basis once a week. Place the seedlings in the shade to avoid the rain and hot sun directly. Make fertilization 1-2 months with urea and TSP respectively 5 grams per plant. Immediately do replanting if seeds are dead. Apply weeding the weeds and seeds are attacked by weeds. Make sure the seeds grow well, trim if there are roots coming out of the polybag. The seedlings are ready to be moved after the age of 6 months after grafting. Seedlings are cut with 80-100 cm tall and the leaves diptong.

Land preparation

Land preparation that must be done is to sprinkle compost / manure on land planted with komosisi 2 tons / hectare. Provision of basic nutrition is done during 3-4 weeks prior to the tillage of the soil by plowing or hoeing. This is so that the soil becomes loose and contain the basic nutrients. If the soil pH is low, add lime / dolomite that soil pH to neutral. After that the land set aside for 2-3 weeks before planting. Make the planting hole with the size of 50x50x50 cm.


Remove the plastic bag and place it in the hole seedbed that has been made. Make sure the plant upright position and place it carefully so that the roots are not damaged. Cover the hole with soil and surrounding ground and pressing gently. Then flush that soil moisture is maintained. Post a marker if needed to avoid collapse exposed to the wind.


Maintenance is done is (1) weeding, made when weeds and wild grasses thickened around the young plants, jiika spacing of the meeting will rarely grow grass. (2) pembubungan, done by raising the soil around the plant to avoid stagnant water. (3) Elimination of pests and diseases, carried out on plant pests and diseases by providing a suitable and appropriate pesticide doses. (4) Perampalanan, done so that the plant can grow optimally apple with cut end of the stem and cut the shoots low to prevent evaporation. (6) Fertilization, performed after entering the age of 3 months in conjunction with the weeding and perampalan.


Apples can be harvested after 120-141 days after anthesis (flower bloom after 4-5 months of age). Harvest should be done when the plants at the level of physiological maturity (ripening). Characteristics that maximum fruit size, smell of fresh, bright fruit color and fruit skin looks fresh, when pressed felt sharp. Furthermore, harvesting can be done every 6 months.

Dragon Fruit

Dragon Fruit Cultivation
Agriculture Technology

Dragon fruit is grouped into the cactus plant family. Although known as the fruit of Asia, this plant is originally from Mexico, Central America and South America. In 1870, the French brought the dragon fruit from Guyana to Vietnam as an ornamental plant. Because it tastes sweet, dragon fruit is eaten widely in Vietnam and China. In Indonesia, dragon fruit became popular since 2000. It is unclear exactly who first developed it. It is estimated that dragon fruit coming into our country from Thailand and cultivated by hobbyists plants sporadically.

Currently there are several species of dragon fruit plants are widely cultivated. Popular fruit types are as follows:
Hylocereus undatus red skin with white flesh
Hylocereus polyrhisus red leather with red fruit flesh
Hylocereus costaricensis red skin with intense red fruit flesh somewhat purplish
Hylocereus megelanthus yellow skin with white flesh.

Cultivation of dragon fruit is very suitable to the climatic conditions and the nature of Indonesia. This plant grows optimally at an altitude of 0-350 meters above sea level with a rainfall of about 720 mm per year. The air temperature is ideal for growing dragon fruit ranges from 26-36 degrees Celsius.

Dragon fruit plants can be propagated by generative and vegetative. Generative way that plants reproduce from seeds. Seed is taken by removing the seeds from the fruit dragon elected. This way a bit difficult and is usually done by experienced breeders. Vegetative means relatively more widely used because it is easier. Dragon fruit cultivation by vegetative means more quickly bear fruit. In addition, the properties of the parent plant may simply decline to her son. Here are the steps penyetekkan dragon fruit:

Choose a rod with a diameter of at least 8 cm, hard, old, gray-green and healthy. The larger the diameter of the trunk, the better, because the rod will be the main stem of the plant. Cutting is done to stem the length is about 80-120 cm. Do not cut all, leaving about 20%, part of which 80% will be candidates for seed. Cut the stems of seedlings candidate with a length of about 20-30 cm. The upper end is cut flat, while the bottom of the base to be plugged into a tapered cut ground. Useful to stimulate root growth. Cuttings pieces must have at least four buds. Cutting length can be shorter, but the consequences will affect the speed of fruiting.

Let stem cuttings that have been cut until the sap dries. If planted directly sap is still wet can cause stem rot. To avoid the risk of fungal attack stem cuttings can be dipped in a solution of fungicide. Prepare seedbed or poly-cuttings to plant the cuttings. To a mixture of soil or planting media, please see how to create a media hotbed. Flush beds or polybags filled with planting medium. Then plug the pointed part of the cuttings into the planting medium as deep as 5 cm. Provide shade or shield to protect the cuttings. Do watering as much as 2-3 days. After 3 weeks, the first buds begin to grow and shade or lid must be opened so that the seedlings get full sunlight. Maintenance seeds usually lasts up to 3 months. At this age range 50-80 cm tall seedlings.

The need for the cultivation of dragon fruit seedlings a hectare around 6000-1000 seedlings. The number of seeds needed depends on the method of planting and spacing. This time alamtani discuss methods of dragon fruit cultivation with a single pole climbing. With this system takes pole climbing as much as 1600 stems with the needs of plant seeds as much as 6400 seedlings per hectare.

For one pole climbing takes 4 dragon fruit plant propagating material. Seedlings planted around the pole climbing, the distance between the pole climbing to plant seeds of about 10 cm. Seedlings are transferred from the plot seeding or polybag. Dig the soil as deep as 10-15 cm, or tailored to the size of the seed. Then the seed is placed in the excavation and backfilled with compacted soil while.
After the 4th seed planted, tie rod plant seeds so that attaches to mast climbing. Perform the binding of each plant grows 20-30 cm along the panhandle. The binding should not be too fast to give space for the growth of plants and in order not to injure the stem.

Pruning to form the main stem of plant seeds carried on the stems. Good plant has a long main stem, large and sturdy. To get that select shoots that grow at the very top of the stem beginning. Shoots that grow underneath should be cut only. Pruning to form a branch of production conducted on shoots that grow on the main stem. Choose 3-4 shoots to be grown. Later it will be a stem bud production and grow hanging down. Shoots are grown preferably at the top, about 30 cm from the top end.

Rejuvenation pruning is done to the branch of production which are less productive. Fruiting usually 3-4 times. Trimmings results of this rejuvenation can be used as a source of plant seeds. Things to consider in pruning is the shape of the plant. Dragon fruit plants usually grow irregularly. Strive for shoots that have been able to shape the plant properly. So it is not too dense branches and trunks that exist under the canopy can be exposed to sunlight at a maximum.

Dragon fruit plants longevity. Productive cycle can reach 15-20 years. Dragon fruit cultivation began to bear fruit for the first time in months 10 to 12 counted after planting. However, if the smaller size of the seed plants, the first harvest could reach 1.5-2 years commencing after planting. Productivity in the first harvest usually indirectly optimal. One plant typically produces 1 kg of fruit. In one pole climbing there are 4 plants. Means the number Tonggal 1600 in one hectare will produce about 6-7 tons of dragon fruit once the harvest season. The cultivation of dragon fruit that can successfully produce more than 50 tons of fruit per hectare per year. The characteristics of the fruit is ready for harvest has begun red skin shiny. Tufts of reddish fruit, the color green has begun to diminish. Crown smaller fruit and fruit base closes or wrinkled. Rounded fruit size weighing about 400-600 grams.


Watermelon Farming
Agriculture Technology

Watermelon is one type of fruit that is very popular in Indonesia; with a sweet taste and high water content, watermelon can be an alternative choice of fruit healthful and refreshing. There are several types of watermelon are quite popular; watermelon red and yellow watermelon and watermelon non-seed is the type most known. While others such as watermelon inul watermelon and watermelon boxes also began to be known by the public. As for tips on how the cultivation of watermelon that can be practiced to maximize crop yields are as follows.

Selection of land cultivation of watermelon is one of the important factors in the success of the cultivation of watermelon. Watermelon require climate or warm weather to grow properly. Watermelon seeds require temperatures of around 25 to 30 degrees Celsius to germinate and grow; temperatures around 20 to 25 degrees Celsius for growing, fertilization and pollination temperatures around 25 degrees Celsius and temperatures around 30 degrees Celsius to obtain perfectly ripe fruit. It became a factor in choosing the appropriate land for the cultivation of watermelon.
Tillage cultivation of watermelon is also very important; for the type of sandy land is hardly required special processing; but for the type of soil is not sandy it is necessary that the processing of the soil becomes loose or crumbly. Then on land that has been prepared made beds as places to plant watermelon seeds; the use of organic fertilizer or manure can improve soil fertility will help watermelons grow well. The distance between the plant about 100 cm with a width of approximately 3 meters seedbed planting system for single and 6 to 7 meters for double cropping systems with a raised bed height of approximately 50 cm.

One part is to prepare the way of the cultivation of watermelon seeds watermelon; prepared by planting seedlings or sow seeds; germinated seeds by way of wetted and cured in paper or newspaper cover for 1 to 2 days. After the process of seeding the seeds will germinate and then transferred to nursery media. Seedlings with roots candidate along 2mm can be sown in polythene bags with a depth of 1 to 1.5 cm. Put a polybag or nursery bag in the sun and watered 1 to 2 times a day until the seedlings 12 to 14 days before being transferred to the planting area.

Once the seeds are planted for 12 to 14 days then there will be 2 to 3 leaves that grow; the transfer of the afternoon should be done by inserting seedlings along the ground into the soil by removing polybag used to seed. As for how planting watermelon with a distance of planting a tree with a single system that is ideal is 90 to 100 cm x 3 meters; whereas the dual system or the two rows of plants with a distance of 90 to 100 cm x 6 or 7 meters.

After the watermelon seedlings were transferred to soil the black plastic silver can be applied; with plastic applications, the fertilization can be done before or during the process of transplanting is done. Beds can be irrigated until quite wet and organic fertilizer before the seedlings are transferred to the fields. The pile is then flattened so that the plastic can stick perfectly. Black plastic silver as part of an intensive watermelon cultivation techniques can be applied to the position of black face down and applied when the sun is shining or About 09.00 until 14.00.
As one of the plant care process is the use of manure; select manure true condition - completely finished. Manure that has not finished will make watermelon plants stunted or wilted. Organic fertilizers can be used as an alternative in addition to the use of ZA fertilizer, Urea, TSP, and KCl. The type of soil is also taken into consideration fertilization; sandy soils require more fertilizer than other types of soils over clay.

The alternative way is the intensive cultivation of watermelon with black plastic applications of silver; fertilization can be done only once. In addition to the applications that are tightly by soil beds and black plastic will prevent the grass and weeds around the plants to grow watermelons. Plastic with silver side facing the sun also serves to maintain the temperature of the soil and keep the soil moist so it reduces the need for watering.

Watermelon plants need penyuluran twigs; it is intended that the branches are not too coincide. Positions that coincide twigs can cause the flowers fall off easily and facilitate the onset of disease. Pendangiran needed to land without aplikaasi black plastic silverware. When the watermelon seed begins to grow as long as 50 cm, the litter can be mounted; when watermelons began to appear also need to be given the pedestal.

Perempelan fruit carried out on fruit that grows at the base of the plant stem watermelon as part of a way of intensive cultivation of watermelon; reserving 1 or 3 waste watermelon located approximately 1 meter from the base of the stem. Watermelon major types should leave 2 pieces only in the trunk; whereas for this type of small watermelon can be spared as much as 3 to 4 pieces. Harvesting can be done after 65 to 75 days after planting the seeds removed.

Melon Cultivation

Melon Farming
Agriculture Technology

Melon (Cucumis melo) grow vines but can not climb. If not supported, this plant will grow to spread over the surface of the ground. The place is ideal for the cultivation of melons in the range of 250-700 meters above sea level altitude. If the height is less than 250 meters, melon plants tend to produce smaller fruit. Whereas in the highlands with temperatures below 18oC, the plant is difficult to develop. Melon plants require humidity levels of 50-70%. The average temperature suitable for cultivation melon 25-30oC with rainfall ranging from 1500 to 2500 mm / year. Melon fruit quality will be even better if there is a temperature difference of day and night is quite significant.

Type of melon is very diverse. However, only three popular cultivars are cultivated, namely reticalatus, inodorus and cantalupensis. Reticalatus. This type of melon is the most popular cultivars. The shape is rounded with a green rind and texture berjala, such as coated webs. Fruit flesh colored light green to orange. Inodorus. This type has a smooth rind not berjala. The shape is rounded to oval. Fruit skin color pale yellow to greenish yellow. The color of the meat there are green, orange to white. Pulpy not flavorful. Cantalupensis. This type has a bumpy rind such as pumpkin, or so-called berjuring. Fruit flesh is yellow or orange, very strong aroma. Cantaloupe included in this species.

Melon crops for cultivation usually generative propagated from seeds or seedlings. For melon cultivation of one hectare takes about 16.000- seed plant 20,000 trees, equivalent to 500-700 grams of melon seeds. Before planting the seeds must be germinated first. You do this by soaking the seeds in warm water for 6-8 hours. If the seed has not contain fungicides, fungicides can be added to the soaking water according to the dosage. After soaking the seeds drained and spread on a damp cloth or newspaper that has been dampened. Let stand for 1-2 days until the seeds germinate. Keep the humidity of the cloth or newsprint. When visible dry splash water.

Then prepare a small polybag or nursery trays. Fill the planting medium mix soil with compost or manure in the ratio 2: 1, see how to create a media hotbed. Immerse the melon seeds 1-2 cm deep into the planting medium. Nursery should be protected by a clear plastic roof or lid. This is necessary so that seedlings grow protected from excessive sun and rain water running straight. Media seedbed should continue to be controlled and taken to ensure that the humidity up. Sirami regularly but not too wet. Seeding process usually lasts up to 10-14 days. Or marked by the growth of 2-3 leaves. In this phase, the seedlings are ready to be moved to the planting site.

In the dry season the pollination carried out by insects pollinators. But when the rainy season usually decreases the intensity of insect pollinators. To get good quality do artificial pollination. Artificial pollination is done in the morning, before lunch at 10. If too was somewhat wilted flower buds or closed. Perform artificial pollination the female flowers, especially flowers that exist in the branch to the 9th until the 13th. In one tree can be grown at least 3-4 candidates for the fruit. Then selected again, so the fruit are maintained until the harvest is 1-2 per tree, depending on the size of the fruit. When large fruit size, just one per tree.

Usually the cultivation of melon is ready for harvest after 3 months old. The characteristics of melon ready to be harvested for reticalatus among other types of fiber mesh on the surface of the skin looking clear and rough, the surface of the skin around the stalk looks cracked, yellowish green color and has issued a scent. Melon fruit should be picked in the maturity level of 90% or approximately 3-7 days before fully ripe. It is useful to give more time to the distribution. Plucking is done by cutting the fruit stalk with a knife or scissors. Stalks are cut like the letter T, so part of the cut is leading on the leaves rather than fruit. Harvesting preferably in the morning at about 8-11 and is done gradually. Choose fruit that is truly ready for harvest.