Monday, December 28, 2015


Lettuce Cultivation

Farming System

Hydroponic lettuce cultivation is simple and can be done in your home. Hydroponics is actually a way or farming techniques using non-soil or planting medium other than soil. In the media hydroponic plants can be roasted husks, sand, cocopeat, gravel rockwool etc. How to grow lettuce for hydroponics can be done anywhere like on the home page, the container can also use pots, paint cans, drums, or bottles of mineral traces. How to grow hydroponic lettuce is actually very suitable to be applied in urban areas or urban areas, because a lot of benefits that include space-saving and environmentally friendly. Here are the stages of plant hydroponic lettuce.

The seeds of lettuce seedlings on a tray or in a container seedlings, which will be used seeds of lettuce that germinated above 80%. For seedling media in general and also good for use is rockwool. Because of Rockwool is very practical because it has water absorption is very high and too sterile course. When the seeds are old enough then you can move into the planting medium. You can use a planting medium that has a shaft that can be used to husk fuel mixture and also sand gravel, or a mixture of sand and gravel rockwool. Then Place in a container planting medium that you want such as a pot or tin cans.

You can use hydroponics proper nutrition, the nutrition in hydroponic planting is very important to the growth of lettuce plants. You can mix their own or buy hydroponic nutrients in each market. Nutrition can be a way to flush manually morning and afternoon, or if you want more practical you can try to plant hydroponic through wick or wick system. The wick technique merupakn one of the hydroponic techniques are quite simple. Treatment in lettuce system using hydroponics is basically not much different from the treatment with conventional systems such planting is done pruning and weeding, as well as other cleanup like other plants.

carrot farming minecraft

Carrot Farming
Agriculture Technology

carrots (Daucus carota L.) is a plant tuber vegetables are usually orange or white. Carrot is a biennial plant (life cycle of 12 -24 months) and classified on seasonal crops. Carrot plants are short-lived plant that ranges from 70-120 days depending on the variety. Morphological features of plants of carrot leaves carrot plants including the leaves are compound, pinnate double two or three and stemmed. Her short stems so almost invisible, round, somewhat loud and 1-1.5 cm in diameter. Carrots have a taproot and fibers. The flowers grow at the end of the crop and double umbrella-shaped white and pink rather pale. Carrot seeds are seeds covered and shaped into pieces of two-color with a length of 3 mm and 1.5 mm. While the tuber is formed of a taproot changed into a backup storage of foods such as carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals and water.

There are several factors that influence the growth of carrots such as soil, temperature, precipitation, humidity, and solar radiation intensity. Carrots are usually grown on soil with good soil structure texture like andosol, alluvial, regosol and latosol usually found in the highlands but also can be cultivated in the lowlands. While the degree of acidity of the soil is suitably 5.5 - 6.5. temperature also affects primarily on metabolic processes, photosynthesis, transpiration, enzyme activity, absorption, absorption of nutrients and others.

The optimum temperature for growth of carrots is 15.6 - 21.1 ° C, but if at a temperature of 26 ° C with a height of 500 m above sea level will produce tubers that are less satisfactory. While the temperature is too high will produce tubers are short and small. Precipitation also affect the productivity of the plant carrots, if the water shortage will hinder growth meal. Areas suitable for growing carrots is an area that has a wet climate (15-3 dry months in a year) and the climate is rather moist (3 - 4.5 months dry within 1 year) but tanamanwortel also tolerant of climate is very wet (0 - 1.5 dry months in one year).

Air humidity suitable for growing carrots is 80 -90%. In addition, the intensity of solar radiation also affect the process of photosynthesis. The plants will show symptoms such etiolation grow elongated, thin, weak and pale when less sunlight. Such conditions cause the plants will form a tuber.

Carrots can be harvested after 100 days, depending on its type. Harvesting should not be delayed because the tubers will increasingly harden (woody) and is not preferred by consumers. Harvesting is done by pulling the entire plant and its tubers and roots or soil destroyed in order for the harvesting process easier. Harvesting should be done the morning in order to be marketed.

Post-harvest: choose good bulbs and separate the bulbs are broken, deformed, and rotten separately. then store the harvest of carrots on the container or room temperature is cool and well ventilated. menikat tubers carrots into bonds so practical and easy to transport and storage.

Carrots are known to contain a lot of protein, carbohydrates, fat, fiber, beta-carotene (provitamin A), vitamin B, vitamin C, glutathione, containing Ca, Mg, Fe, P, S and Cl. With implies that carrots efficacious in curing some diseases such as high blood pressure, tighten the facial skin, high cholesterol, pancreatic cancer, lung cancer, hepatitis, and prevent stroke.

Tobacco Farming

Tobacco Farming

Tobacco is the agricultural product processed from the leaves of plants of the genus Nicotiana. Tobacco can be consumed, used as pesticides, and in the form of nicotine tartrate can be used as medicine. If consumed, in general, be made into a cigarette tobacco, chewing tobacco, etc. Tobacco (Nicotiana spp., L.) is a broadleaf plant species originating from the regions of North America and South America. The leaves of this tree is often used as raw material for cigarettes, either by using a pipe or rolled up in the form of cigarettes or cigars. Tobacco leaves can also be chewed or dikulum, and some are smoked tobacco powder through the nose.

Tobacco leaves are often associated with cigarette can be utilized for human health. According to the study, tobacco can be used as a protein-producing reactor Growth Colony Stimulating Factor (GCSF), a hormone that is essential in stimulating blood production.
About the efficacy of leaf tobacco, a protein made by the body's DNA. If the DNA in the body was transferred to tobacco by bacteria, then the time of entry and the plant that will make the corresponding protein DNA that has been inserted it. Then, if the plant is harvested, it will get protein. Protein is what can be used as an anticancer protein. In addition to the anticancer proteins, GSCF can also stimulate the multiplication of stem cells (stem cells) that could be developed to restore the function of body tissue that is damaged. Further explained that in the field of medicine are pharmaceutical products are now widely used, namely a drug or vaccine in the form of protein.

In addition, tobacco also turned out to contain a natural pesticide. The usefulness may not be something special for us. However, tobacco was also able to produce solar cells. As mentioned in the journal ACS Nano Letters, Matt Franciss, an assistant professor of chemistry, along with his colleagues managed to use tobacco as a media producer of solar cells. Through genetic engineering, researchers at the University of California succeeded in creating a tobacco-producing solar cells. With the help of viruses that have been genetically engineered, tobacco plants can be programmed to produce solar sell.

The mechanism is very simple. The virus was sprayed into the tobacco, let some time, then the virus will infect cells and spread to all parts of the plant. While tobacco cells are infected, they will produce chromophores are part of the molecule that converts light into a high-powered electron (high powered electron). Normally, cells infected with the virus will make a duplicate of the menginveksinya. At that time, the virus will force the tobacco to make chromophores. Each chromophores like a spiral staircase, each spaced two or three nanometers from its neighbor, an ideal distance to harvest the electrons generated. To obtain pure chromophores, tobacco should be harvested, chopped and then extracted. Chromophores dissolved to be sprayed into a plastic or glass coating then locked with certain coatings to be used as a solar panel. This method is claimed to be more environmentally friendly and cheaper. Researchers have long been aware that nature is inspiring the best technology to emulate. Plant utilizing solar energy is the most efficient, for example, to produce sugars through photosynthesis.These developments certainly provide fresh air for tobacco farmers. Perhaps in the future, the tobacco is no longer known as the plant causes lung cancer again.

Benefits of Tobacco

In general, people only know Nicotiana tabacum, also known as tobacco smoking as the main raw material, and of course, many who consider this leaves only have a negative impact, but it helps if you know the miraculous benefits of this leaf.

1. Cancer medicine
Tobacco is not always a negative connotation as a cause of cancer, these plants can also produce anti-cancer proteins are useful for cancer patients. In addition to the anticancer proteins, tobacco could be to stimulate the multiplication of stem cells (StemCell) that could be developed to restore the function of body tissue that is damaged. In addition, tobacco also can prevent cervical cancer. Tobacco contains a source of protein that can stimulate antibodies against the human papilloma virus (HPV), which causes cervical cancer.

2. Removing the leech bites
Benefits of tobacco, but can be extracted and taken certain sections such as nicotine used in a wide range of products of food and beverages, tobacco can also be used to remove the leech bite when I'm in the woods, tobacco can also be used for insecticides because nicotine is a neurotoxin very powerful for insects.

3. Drugs Diabetes & Detection
The scientists succeeded in using genetically modified tobacco to produce a cure diabetes and immune system. The results were published in the journal BMC Biotechnology.

4. Anti-Inflammation
Scientists from several European research institutions participate in the project entitled "Pharma-Planta" led by Professor Mario Pezzotti of the University of Verona. They create transgenic tobacco producing interleukin-10 (IL-10), which is an anti-inflammatory cytokine that is potent. Cytokines are proteins that stimulate immune cells to be active. The genetic code (DNA) encoding IL-10 were planted in tobacco, and tobacco will produce the protein. They tried two different versions of IL-10 are different. One of the virus, the other from mice. The researchers found that tobacco can produce two forms of IL-10 was appropriately. Active cytokine production is quite high, which may be used by a process of extraction and purification.

The next step, IL-10 tobacco was given to mice to investigate how effective it generates immunity. Studies using IL-10 tobacco in small doses could help prevent diabetes or diabetes mellitus type 1 Diabetes mellitus type 1 or juvenile diabetes is characterized by loss of the insulin-producing beta cells in the pancreas. So that there is a shortage of insulin in the body. This type of diabetes can be suffered by children and adults.

5. Medicine for HIV / AIDS
Tobacco can also generate drug protein of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) that causes AIDS, called griffithsin. HIV is a virus that infects cells of the human immune system. The difference is, instead of the tobacco that produces the protein, but the tobacco virus.

6. Animal Health Maintainer
Extract of tobacco (nicotine 1.68%) has ptensi to eradicate H. contortus worms. As a result of treatment outcomes will provide benefits for the care of livestock, for the better health of the livestock.

7. Removal Dew
Tobacco can also be used to eliminate the "dew" on the glass in the car on a rainy day by rubbing tobacco on the glass.

8. Business Tobacco
The increasing needs of the world's tobacco while productivity is so limited, it does not rule out the possibility that the tobacco commodities business profits also will provide maximum benefit.

9. As Biofuel
More recently, researchers from the Laboratory of Biotechnology at Thomas Jefferson University have identified several techniques to increase levels of vegetable oil in tobacco plant leaves, it is a first step in utilizing these plants for biofuel purposes. Their results are then published in Plant Biotechnology Journal.

According to Vyacheslav Andrianov, Ph.D., assistant professor of Cancer Biology at the Lab. Jefferson Medical College of Thomas Jefferson University, tobacco can generate biofuel more efficiently than other agricultural products. However, most of the oil is only contained in the seed / seed tobacco (about 40 percent oil per dry weight). Although the vegetable oil content of tobacco seeds have been tested and can be used as fuel for diesel engines, tobacco plants but seed production is still very low, at around 600 kg of seeds per hectare. Dr. Andrianov and his colleagues then sought to manipulate the genes of tobacco seed vegetable oil is that the formation of vegetable oil in tobacco plant canopy optimal oil content of seed tobacco. It is also possible as an alternative energy to reduce global warming.

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Potatoes Agriculture

Potatoes Agriculture

Technology Cultivation

            Potato (Solanum tuberosum L) is a horticultural crops that have calories and minerals essential for human needs. Potatoes are one of the world's major food after rice, wheat and maize (Wattimena, 2000). In addition, the potato is one that has a value of horticultural commodities domestic trade and export potential is quite good. In Indonesia often happens constraints increase potato production, such as: (1) the low quality and quantity of seed potatoes, which is a major concern in efforts to increase potato production in Indonesia, (2) cultivation techniques are still conventional, (3) the factors of topography, where areas with altitude and temperature suitable for planting potatoes in Indonesia is very limited, (4) the tropics Indonesia is the optimum place for the proliferation of pests and diseases of potato plants (Kuntjoro, 2000). Planting seed potato quality, timely and appropriate physiological age is the main factor determining the success of the production of potatoes. Efforts to provide quality seed potatoes need to be based on the well-established seed systems (Wattimena, 2000).

              Potatoes including crops that can be grown in tropical and subtropical regions (Ewing and Keller, 1982), can be grown at altitudes of 500 to 3000 m above sea level, and the best at an altitude of 1300 m above sea level. Potato plant can grow well in fertile soil, has good drainage, clay loose, dust or sand dust. Potato plants tolerant of pH at a fairly wide interval of 4.5 to 8.0, but for good growth and the availability of nutrients, pH is good is 5.0 to 6.5. According Asandhi and Gunadi (1989), potato crops grown at a pH of less than 5.0 will produce poor quality tubers. In areas which will be planted potatoes cause problems scurvy, soil pH was lowered to 5.0 to 5.2.Potato plant growth is strongly influenced by weather conditions. Potato plants grow well in an environment with low temperature, ie 15 to 20 ° C, enough sunlight, and humidity 80 to 90% (Sunarjono, 1975).

              Soil temperatures associated with the absorption of nutrients by the roots, photosynthesis, and respiration. According to Burton (1981), to get the maximum out of potato crop requires optimum temperature is relatively low, especially for root growth, namely 15.6 to 17.8 ° C with an average temperature of 15.5 ° C. With the addition of a temperature of 10 ° C, respiration will be doubled. If the temperature increases, the rate of plant growth increases until it reaches a maximum. Photosynthetic rate also increases until it reaches a maximum and then decreases. At the same time the rate of respiration gradually increases with increasing temperature. Lost through respiration is greater than the extra activity generated by photosynthesis. Consequently, there is no increase in net yield and dry weight of plants and tubers decreased.

              The water content in the potato tuber is an indication of the level of freshness so greatly affect the quality, especially the physical quality. Based on observations made after the deposit is known that potato tuber storage in a room with a temperature of 10 ° C for eight days could keep the water content so that visually potato tubers remain as fresh as the new harvest. If the water content of freshly harvested potato tubers compared with the levels of water stored potato tubers after 8 days in temperatures of 10 ° C tends to be an increase (Table 4). This happens because the metabolic processes that occur during storage may lead to changes in non-water components, especially carbohydrates, while the rate of respiration and transpiration can be reduced so that the percentage of water content in potato tubers increases.

            Storage of potato tubers were conducted for 4 days in a temperature of 10 ° C and then transferred to room temperature (18 - 21 ° C) for 4 days and 8 days of storage at room temperature (18 - 21 ° C) was found to result in a decrease in water levels between 0.81% - 1 , 98% (Table 4). Moisture reduction occurred due to the influence of temperature, ie the higher the temperature will further accelerate the rate of respiration in which one of the results of respiration is H2O.
Changes in the chemical composition of processed potato tubers are not expected during the storage one of which is the increased levels of reducing sugars. It is known that in general can increase the storage reduction sugar. Storage temperature 10 ° C for 8 days resulted in increased levels of reducing sugars highest, ranging from 0.096 to 0.109%. This happens because during storage of metabolic processes continue running, while the respiration rate can be reduced so that the accumulation of reducing sugar.

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Tomato Cultivation Technology