Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Strawberry Farming

Strawberry Cultivation
Agriculture Technology

Strawberry fruit is undoubtedly one of the fruits of the most favored by the people. A few years ago, red fruit has even been the fruit of an elite that many people dream to eat. Not surprisingly, first, our country is only able to import this so that the number of strawberry fruits on the market has not been as busy now. However, another first, was also present. If you are a fan of strawberry, to capitalize strawberry cultivation techniques, you can even cultivate the fruit of this one in your own yard today. Here are various ways budidayayang you can do in your own yard. strawberries can be planted in the greenhouse. Strawberry fruit can be processed into cakes

If you want to cultivate strawberries in your own yard, the first step you should do is find a land fit for cultivation of the fruit. To carry out the cultivation of strawberries, you should have a garden with sandy clay soil that is loose and fertile and contains a variety of organic materials. In addition, the water system and the air in the garden should be good and the pH of the soil where strawberries will be cultivated among 5.4-7.0.Selain that you want to plant strawberries cultivated in the garden, you can also do it in the pot, however, if you want to cultivate strawberries in pots, soil pH is in the pot should be between 6.5-7.0 and not 5.4-70.

Strawberry fruit can be grown from seed and vegetative seedlings, so, there are several options that you can use seedlings when they wanted to cultivate the fruit of this one. For seed grain, you can get them at farm shops and menyemaikannya in plastic or wooden box containing a mixture of soil, sand and manure. Flush the nursery every day and then move into beds strawberry seedlings when the seedlings have two leaves. Meanwhile, if you choose seeds vegetative, parent plants you want to use to make the seed must have been aged 1-2 years and a healthy and productive.

One of the best ways in the cultivation of strawberries in the garden is with plastic mulch. To cultivate strawberry with plastic mulch, first of all, you must mengeringanginkan you want to cultivate land with the strawberry plants for 15-30 days. After that, make beds with a width of 80 × 120 cm and with a height of 30-40 cm and then dried again for 15 days and sprinkled with fertilizer. Flush the land that has been sprinkled with water to lambab then cover with black plastic mulch. For strawberry planting, mulch Punch a hole as wide as the milk can then make a hole in the ground right where the hole had been made in the mulch and plant the seeds of strawberry in the hole.

Strawberry hydroponic

Strawberry Hydroponic Farming
Agriculture Technology

Strawberry plant is a plant that favored the planters or public housing. Strawberry plants are very suitable to be developed or cultivated in our climate, and only requires a low cost, and we will be able to harvest about 1-2 years from the beginning we are planting (of seeds). Strawberry plants can bear fruit throughout the year and prolific fruiting up to four years. Hydroponic plants is an activity or activity that is done using water for growing plants without using soil media. This plant is grown using plastic containers or pots that use water and other shaft such as gravel, stone tiles and other threshold for the planting medium.

In order for good growth this naming should require fertilization by means of dissolving organic fertilizer. In addition, by using this planting medium that is very abundant benefits in comparison with the other form gives higher production, terhadapt resistant to pests and diseases and others. On this occasion fredikurniawan will review how to cultivate strawberry plants hydroponically.


1. Provide a container or pot that will be used for planting media, should not there is a hole on the bottom of the container or pot.

2. Giving a hole in each of milk, approximately 4-5 cm from als and wash thoroughly.

3. Provide media such as sand, gravel or other. Wash thoroughly and soak in boiling water for 30-60

4. Put media that had been prepared earlier into a container up to 3-4 cm in atad hole made earlier. 

5. And also prepare the pipe on the edge of the container

6. Then tanamankan plants that had been prepared earlier, do not get damaged or broken roots.

7. Then do pemberiaan nutrient that is a liquid organic fertilizer or other fertilizers thawed.

8. Then save the plants in a place very far from seranga outside and pests and other diseases.

9. After the age of 2-3 weeks, do re pouring liquid fertilizer.

10.Next do control is continuous and good crops.

Maintenance of the plants with the media is done by way of control, fertilization and pest and disease. Pengentrolan is done aims to determine the state of the media in a state of dry or moist. Fertilization is done by using a liquid organic fertilizer, urea in the melt, fertilizers and fertilizer pic tsp melted in the melt. While pests and diseases can be done by way of replanting the plants dead, shriveled and dry replace them with new ones, and can also use the spraying of herbicides, and insecticides fungsida according to the dose specified,

Harvesting crops with this medium very quickly which is 4-6 months depending on the growth of plants. Harvesting is done by doing the plucking with the help of scissors or a knife support, not to damage the fruit or plant. Then enter into the packaging. Pemanan is done regularly: two weeks to produce quality plants.

Pepper farming

Peppers Cultivation
Agriculture Technology

Peppers (Capsicum annuum var. Grossum) is a type of chili that large fruit and fat, it is not spicy but slightly sweet. Many seeds imported from abroad, such as Japan and Taiwan commodities proved to be extremely suitable to be cultivated in several regions in Indonesia, which means that this is an opportunity that the future is bright. peppers have many health benefits. also has high economic value. Peppers can be grown hydroponically.

Paprika is a subtropical plant that would be more suitable to be planted in areas with elevations above 750 m asl (above sea level). Although when compared with other request types of chili, peppers smaller demand, extensive planting of peppers growing in line with market demand continues to increase. And more advantage of peppers cultivation could provide greater benefits than other vegetable cultivation by a narrow land. Peppers is just nice cold planted area, which is below 30C (between 15 - 25˚C) or lower plateau humidity below 70%. Because of the high temperatures or in low-lying causes an increase in pests and diseases.

Peppers is a plant that is sensitive to nature, therefore this plant should not be exposed to rain, because it can cause stem rot and fruit. Then the cultivation of peppers are the most appropriate and suitable for maximum results is to use Green House (GH) with hydroponics system.
For the most economical GH, GH which is made of plastic UV. To get optimal results, you should use with the degree of acidity (pH) of growing media of 5.8 (5.5-6.5) which can be measured by a pH meter. The medium used is the husk (without soil) watering and fertilizing is given in the form of an aqueous solution that the level of concentration (density) control. Fertilizer used is AB Mix solution with density (EC) 2.3 to 2.6 can be measured by the EC meter. The intensity of light needed paprika plants, namely 60%. It was fulfilled at GH of plastic UV.

Pepper seeds need to be sown before planting. The process of seeding should be done in a sterile on rice husk. Seeds germinated in trays for 1 week. Furthermore, paprika seeds that do not have a perfect leaf is transferred to a small polybag diameter of 10 cm for 2 minngu until the 2-3 leaf. Then the seeds are planted in the real media big polybag size 30 x 35 cm. The plants will start flowering at the age of 2-4 weeks after planting and at the age of 2.5-3 months paprika fruits can be harvested up continuously. Paprika production period of 8-9 months with high 2,5-4m. In maintenance pruning needs to be done on vegetative shoots that appear on the main trunk armpits, so that flowers produce large bell pepper. Pruning is intended that the plants grow without many branches extending upward, while the rate cuts intended that nutritional fruit growing competition fulfilled without any absorption of food it will be large. Suppose one stalk, there are about 2-3 flowers, then maintained pretty one.

Pepper fruit is divided into three colors, namely red, yellow and orange. Peppers green is the color of all kinds of young pepper. Of economically harvesting young peppers (green) make the revenue stream of income to be faster, and also reduce the risk of fruit affected by pests and diseases. Harvesting is done along with the bell pepper fruit stalk (Calix), because in addition to enhance the appearance as well so that the peppers can be durable in the market. The harvesting process must be done carefully lest the fruit dropped or exposed to puncture scissors or knife. So the fruit is harvested could remain flawless. As for the form of packaging that is often done in the transport is with plastic baskets that each layer was given a newspaper, can also use an insulated basket like a basket of eggs.