Strawberry Cultivation
Agriculture Technology
Strawberry fruit is undoubtedly one of the fruits of the most favored by the people. A few years ago, red fruit has even been the fruit of an elite that many people dream to eat. Not surprisingly, first, our country is only able to import this so that the number of strawberry fruits on the market has not been as busy now. However, another first, was also present. If you are a fan of strawberry, to capitalize strawberry cultivation techniques, you can even cultivate the fruit of this one in your own yard today. Here are various ways budidayayang you can do in your own yard. strawberries can be planted in the greenhouse. Strawberry fruit can be processed into cakes
If you want to cultivate strawberries in your own yard, the first step you should do is find a land fit for cultivation of the fruit. To carry out the cultivation of strawberries, you should have a garden with sandy clay soil that is loose and fertile and contains a variety of organic materials. In addition, the water system and the air in the garden should be good and the pH of the soil where strawberries will be cultivated among 5.4-7.0.Selain that you want to plant strawberries cultivated in the garden, you can also do it in the pot, however, if you want to cultivate strawberries in pots, soil pH is in the pot should be between 6.5-7.0 and not 5.4-70.
Strawberry fruit can be grown from seed and vegetative seedlings, so, there are several options that you can use seedlings when they wanted to cultivate the fruit of this one. For seed grain, you can get them at farm shops and menyemaikannya in plastic or wooden box containing a mixture of soil, sand and manure. Flush the nursery every day and then move into beds strawberry seedlings when the seedlings have two leaves. Meanwhile, if you choose seeds vegetative, parent plants you want to use to make the seed must have been aged 1-2 years and a healthy and productive.
One of the best ways in the cultivation of strawberries in the garden is with plastic mulch. To cultivate strawberry with plastic mulch, first of all, you must mengeringanginkan you want to cultivate land with the strawberry plants for 15-30 days. After that, make beds with a width of 80 × 120 cm and with a height of 30-40 cm and then dried again for 15 days and sprinkled with fertilizer. Flush the land that has been sprinkled with water to lambab then cover with black plastic mulch. For strawberry planting, mulch Punch a hole as wide as the milk can then make a hole in the ground right where the hole had been made in the mulch and plant the seeds of strawberry in the hole.